If you are a pet expert and want to write for Petfather, an authoritative Indian pet website, contact us. Articles should be informational only, with more than 1000 words. You can insert ONE do-follow link in the article; provided links are only to relevant pages.
- I can offer free pet-related guest posts on my website. But, you must give www.petfather.in a return backlink or share its articles on social media, preferably Facebook and Twitter, with at least 500 followers. I will verify these before accepting your post.
- Otherwise, a flat 50$ (USD) charge for the guest post.
- Please don’t send me emails for CBD/Casino guest posts.
- Don’t ask for guest posts for like $5. I consider them disrespectful and may get reported as spam.
Benefits you get as a guest writer
- Author profile, with your photo and links and the bio
- Benefits of backlink from our Google News approved pet website
- Hassle-free experience
- Lifetime backlinks
Our other service: Website promotion for Google Discover

Contact us for full information.
Or send an email to: [email protected]
Contact us here for guest posts
Our other service: Website promotion for Google Discover
Submission guidelines
Types of articles we accept
- How-to
- Lists
- Studies/stats
- Expert opinion
- Any creative pieces
Articles should be
- Well-researched and in-depth.
- Minimum 1000 words.
- Well-structured.
- Have sub-headings.
- Images
- Links to relevant resources or to back up any claims.
- A topic that we have not already covered precisely.
- Grammatically correct.
- Practical, insightful, and helpful.
Topics We Cover (Your Content Needs to Be About One Of These)
- Generally pet related
- Dogs
- Cats
- Birds
- Rabbits
- Aquarium Fish (Freshwater, Saltwater)
Benefits of submitting a guest post on Petfather
- You can get a backlink to your website
- Earn respect within the Indian pet community
- Referral traffic to your blogs
- Blog posts shared on our social media accounts
If you submit your article to us, you acknowledge that if we publish it, it will be owned by us (www.petfather.in). Thus, you are not permitted to publish it elsewhere, even on your own website. We reserve the right to make edits if we need to and to decline articles without reason.
We reserve the right to accept/reject any content.
How Pet Bloggers Search and Find Us to Write for Us
Followings are the queries of how pet bloggers search us on Google. You may insert +India too.
- dog+”write for us”+”guest post”
- “cats” + “forum”
- “dogs” + “blog”
- “rabbits” + “guest post”
- “aquarium fishes” + “submit a guest post”
- “cats” + “write for us”
- “dogs” + “contribute”
- “rabbits” + “become a contributor”
- “aquarium fishes” + “guest post guidelines”
- “cats” + “guest blogger”
- “dogs” + “guest author”
- “rabbits” + “expert roundup”
- “aquarium fishes” + “resources”
- “cats” + “infographic”
- “dogs” + “case study”
- “rabbits” + “research”
- “aquarium fishes” + “statistics”
- “cats” + “whitepaper”
- “dogs” + “intitle:resources”
- “rabbits” + “inurl:resources”
- “aquarium fishes” + “intitle:statistics”
- cat+”write for us”+”guest post”
- rabbit+”write for us”+”guest post”
- fish+”write for us”+”guest post”
- aquarium+”write for us”+”guest post”
- pet blogs write for us
- pet health + “write for us”
- dog food “write for us”
- pet blog + write for us
- pet blog write for us
- “pet care”+”write for us”+”guest post”
- pet write for us
- pet health “write for us”
- pet “write for us”
- pets write for us
- submit pet guest post
- dog food write for us
- blogs write for us
- pet guest post
- dog breeds “write for us”
- dog write for us
- cats write for us
- pet blog
- pet rescue blog
- “petcare blog”
- health write for us guest post
- dog blog write for us
- dogs + write for us
- write for us blog
- dog “guest post”
- write for us blogs
- “pet care”+”write for us”+”guest post”
- write for us + pets
- write for us pets
- write for us pet
- pet care write for us guest post
- write for us animals
- pet health + “write for us”
- dog guest post
- submit guest post animals
- write for us cat
- pet blogs accepting guest posts